If you can dream it, you can do it.' -- Walt Disney

Believe you can and you’re halfway there. -- Theodore Roosevelt

When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. --Henry Ford

A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. -- Albert Einstein

Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears. -- Les Brown

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. -- Amelia Earhart

None of us is as smart as all of us. -- Ken Blanchard

To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart. -- Eleanor Roosevelt

Improve is to change, perfect is to change often – Winston Churchill

Welcome to the Lean Business Consulting !


Have you ever come across challenging questions like:



  • How can I eliminate the stock-outs? Does stock building help in preventing out of stock emergencies or is there a better alternative?
  • How can I increase the number of change overs in our production lines ... improving the operational efficiency?
  • How can I reduce the unit cost, even when I lose sales volume in periods of downturn?
  • How can I postpone expensive investments?
  • Which improvement system should I implement?


Our long experience in business will provide you with lots of  flexible and effective tools and ideas. Implementing the principles of lean thinking, TPM, 6 Sigma and TQM we can propose creative and efficient solutions working hand-in-hand with you. The results are astonishing:

    Operational Efficiency (OEE) in packing operation :15%  increase in two years

    Energy cost reduction: 14% in one year

    Ex factory product cost reduction: 7% in one year

    Customer service improvement (case fill): from 94% to 99.5% in two years

    Stock reduction by ca. 50% in one year

Our strategic intent

Unleash the flow of value for the customer prosperity. 

 Our value proposition 

We want to work a win-win partnership with companies that are passionate to do more with less by streamlining the flow of value to their customers. 

What you can find in our site

In our tub "Services" you will find the road map: "Empowerment to Differentiate for Results" (EDR), wich lays out the steps we propose to work together with the customer in his effort for excellence. But there is a lot more to see...

You are invited to visit our blog. You will see a brief description of the lean thinking principles and the importance of the value creation that is in the core of our values. The role of continuous improvement in operational efficiency, productivity, customer service and innovation is analysed and explained with examples. Decision making and strategic thinking is analysed to prove their effectiveness in achieving world class results. Under "Our products" tub you wil be informed of two main applications designed to facilitate the decision process in a factory. The first is the on-line and real-time capture of the production and downtime of a packing operation. The other is a production planning application built around "Provident", an efficient algorithm that automatically lays out the annual (or longer) production plan of a factory taking all the contstraints into account (equipment, personnel, stocks) and minimising the stocks avoiding any stock-out.



Alkis Charalambopoulos



info@leansolutions.gr                                                                                                           www.leansoutions.gr

alkis.chara@gmail.com                                                                                                          +302108144303


Panoramatos Str. 8

Anixi Attikis,

14569 GREECE